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 Mediterranean Cuisine: Three Things You Should Know

There are many benefits to Mediterranean eating. Compared to other cuisines around the world, Mediterranean  cuisine has been identified as one of the healthiest. Mediterranean cuisine, to begin with, is the label used to refer to the  culinary culture of the people living around the Mediterranean Sea. This comprises North Africa, the Eastern Mediterranean (Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel and Egypt), and southern Europe (Italy, France and Spain).

A number of research studies have found a link between Mediterranean-style eating and healthier, longer lives. In fact, many years before the influx of fast foods, the life expectancy in this region was very high. Despite their smoking and drinking habits, people would fall ill less often. Here's a look at a few of the defining characteristics of Mediterranean cuisine.

 Mediterranean food is mostly plant-based

The number one reason Mediterranean diets are healthy is because they're largely plant-based. The larger part of the meal is often composed of fresh vegetables, whole grains and legumes. One could say that the region's favorable climate for agriculture has played an important role in sustaining this culture. Though the vegetables used could vary across the countries, the most common are eggplant, broccoli, mushrooms, artichokes, squash, cucumber and okra. These vegetables may be used in fresh salads, or prepared by baking, grilling, or roasting.

Meat & seafood

Fresh seafood is as well a regular part of Mediterranean cuisine.  Seafood is often the primary source of protein, alongside legumes. Meat is consumed sparingly, particularly in the upper Mediterranean region. The people of the region are aware of the tastiness of meat, but are careful not to consume too much of it for health reasons. This should not mean that you won't find meat in a Mediterranean restaurant if you want to try Mediterranean cuisine, or that you have to give up on meat completely. Instead, you just need to lower the proportion of meat since the large servings of legumes and/or seafood are both rich in protein and tasty. Go to the best Mediterranean Restaurant NJ has to offer to taste it first hand. 

Olive oil and spices

Olive oil is the dominant oil used for cooking, and olives themselves are widely used to add a rich flavor to the food. Oil oil is so much healthier compared to the refined vegetables used to prepare today's fast foods. All kinds of spices are used to enhance flavor, including parsley, thyme, garlic, coriander, oregano, basil, mint, saffron, cumin, cloves and cinnamon.

Finally, it is worth noting that the people of the Mediterranean region believe in mealtimes being happy times. Meals are regarded as social events where the people gather together to enjoy a great time. Meals can last up to three hours sometimes, as people place great emphasis on savoring the food and enjoying the meal. Look up Mediterranean Ridgewood NJ online to know the best choices in the area. 

For more ideas on mediterranean breakfast, check out

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